It is assumed that everyone loves and admires the doctors’ oath of “do no harm” and the attendant philosophies of life involved.

It is assumed that everyone loves and admires the sound epoch of grandeur that is brought to fore by public and private actors who know harm when they see it and who know responsibility to behave well when it is thrust upon them.

It is assumed that everyone loves and admires good works and cultural magnificence, a society with standards of positive achievement, a world of straw spun to gold.  Our public stars offer us this service.  They present  fairy tale and definition … the philosophies, the philosophers, the death of reason, the rise of faith, the mountains of distinguished thought and soul searching excess.

It is assumed that everyone loves and admires the heathens who reform, the devils who sprout wings, the dragon slayers who win.

“To live and do well” is a pretense for weak thinkers or selfless floggers who are socialistic, fascistic, vain, self righteous.  They are the enemy.  It is only through the competing interests of me that the system can function and that one can get the cover to kill.

Listen to them talk and reason, sing fling and and warble their arias of divine intervention.  Squeeze the freedom of movement out of the equations of action.Be the devil wrangler.

Be iconic and do no harm.

The political plan.

Dominance Games / Politics…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



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is sin

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