Fifty shades of bullsh-t is the new gaudy shade of honor.

Posted: October 31, 2013 in Commentary, current events, dominance, Fascism, News, opinion, political science, Politics
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Fifty shades of bullsh-t is the new gaudy shade of honor.

City kids are dumb and worthless so underfund, marginalize, demonize their schools and their teachers.  Benign neglect in loud mouths clothing.

If read meat eaters and carriers want so much to not govern then let them not …….. and let all outsiders who don’t wish to depend upon the kindness of others be driven away.

Good minority rights means that any practiced minority of power grubbers that can game the system can game the system and that any unpracticed minority that cant is dog meat.

The having of street smarts declares that in the political arena business, the political speak business, by virtue of same one must then be a liar, a pimp, a whore, a cynical vapid manipulator who speaks in agenda and the angels of no ones better nature.

Any pretense of self awareness is gone with the wind when arrogant bastards battle. wheeze, maneuver, jam policy, law, opinion, depredation.

Fifty shades of bullsh-t is the new gaudy shade of honor.

The devolution of  the system is the fun before the take over.

Strength through aggression.

Dominance Games…..politics, news, commentary, analysis…. The dumb …… the honored creed. The rancid bastards …… the true…. the thrill…



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